As a florist, you can never know it all. You never will know it all. There are always new flower varieties, new products, new techniques etc...etc...
I definitely don't pretend to know it all nor declare that I ever will. Do I think I am a good florist? Im ok yes, but I could be so much better. How do I become a better florist? I listen to my peers, to the people in the industry that have a passion like no other. By attending workshops and trying to things. Also by helping sweep up and clean buckets, make tea and cakes and my holding something so those top designers can work on it from another angle at events, photo shoots or even when just visiting.
I found an old photo album last week and let me tell you...some of the designs that I thought were stunning at the time...are absolutely cringe worthy! haha!! They are so bad I wont even post them for a laugh!
So here are a few designs I made whilst attending the Fusion Flowers Summer School in 2011 with Mark Pampling from Australia and then again in 2012 with Baudouin Roelants from Belgium who I met in 2011 when I assisted with the Fusion Flowers photo shoot.
This year Im looking forward to Summer School 2013 with the wonderful Greman Designer -
Björn Kroner who I have met at Fusion Flowers photo shoot in 2011 and 2012 so very excited about this workshop.
With Mark Pampling |
With Mark Pampling |
Bridal bouquet made with Mark Pampling |
With Baudouin Roelants |
With Mark Pampling |
With Mark Pampling |
With Baudouin Roelants |
With Baudouin Roelants. Also delighted that this piece was featured in the article in Fusion Flowers covering the work shop. |
Mark's facebook page for his flower shop in Australia.
Mark's Facebook page
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