Massed roses, massed hydrangea, peonies roses, textured posies of roses and thistles, roses and ranunculus. Round round round round round. That has it's place as we mention further down, along with a picture posted of what looks like a hand tied bouquet, but is actually an all wired bouquet!
What a lot of brides to be don't always realise is that there is a whole world of bouquet styles and shapes out there and these hand-ties don't match with every style of dress.
Our pet hate....large floaty dresses with ruffles and lace..with a dumpy hand tied bouquet. What does that do for the over all look of the dress? Nadda, zilch..nothing. All the eye is drawn to the hip area.. and there is stops.
The bouquets should elegantly highlight the shape of the dress, the details in the dress, the height of the bride and the build of the bride. The bouquet should work with all those so your eye follows from your face, to the bodice, to the flowers, to the legs, to the dress hem and then back up.
So if you don't go for a hand tie you have to go for one of those big bulky trailing bouquets...right?? WRONG.
The term shower bouquet traditionally means the oval shaped bouquet, which, yes, used to be bursting with foliage and carnations ( Not that there is anything wrong with carnations, Check below for a gorgeous bouquet made mostly from carnations! ) Chrysanthemums and gyp.
Today though it's a whole different story. Wire frame, vine frames, feather frames, crystal frames....masses of flowers or very little flowers.
These bouquets will have to be heavy then and uncomfortable to hold? Wrong again. Infact, you'd be surprised at how much easier it is to hold a trailing bouquet made on the right handle to suit your grip. We attended the Weigh Inn wedding Fayre Sunday 15th January and so many brides commented on how light and easy our shower bouquets were to hold.
Below you will find a collection of shower bouquets and trailing bouquets. Some what you might expect, some a little different to you're normal design.
We're not saying the hand tied bouquet is wrong in all cases. Not at all. Knee length dresses have been very popular the last year or two and hand tied designs work amazingly well.
We just think that some of the magazines out there need to work a little bit closer with professional florists, working in the industry to give brides the right informational on not only flower styles but actual flowers ( One magazine once named a lisianthus head as a rose and so often we find they have the wrong variety of flower named).
I always suggest to brides to come to speak to me, that if they do look at the magazines, get colour idea's, find flowers you've maybe never seen before but never to read the descriptions of what is actually written about the design.
So please bare in mind, when you first start that fantastic journey of planning your wedding flowers, that there is so much more available out there. Just because you don't see it in the magazines, on an online search or in the celeb wedding pages in gossip magazines, it doesn't mean that you're perfect wedding bouquet is not available to you!
Check out our facebook page for more bouquet designs and ideas

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